Tuesday, May 24, 2016

British doggie heaven.

There is this awesome place in London called Hamsted Heath and it is an enormous park with wild areas and lots of places for me to run and tumble in the grass. Not only the park was great but I got fancy meals for free for breakfast from this place called Jamies. You can see me lick my whiskers and wanting more in the pictures.
I love that in the England I can roam around free without a leash in parks. I love that I get to hang out more with my people because they allow me in pubs. It was unusual the first time I enter one of those. Everyone is drinking something called beer and the pubs are all cool and old looking. Everywhere I go I am a novelty but in England they are friendlier to doggies and that is why they allowed me in lots of places.
As you can see I got very muddy in some of the pictures.

Here are just some of my pics at pubs, in parks, at Oxford, etc.

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